In Austria, the NICO brand stands for quality fireworks, innovative items and very special effects. As part of the EU harmonization of explosives legislation, we are pleased to offer you all NICO CE-certified items.
In addition to the product range offered in Germany, we also offer rocket assortments with fillings of more than 20 g NEM per rocket in our Austrian range. These items are also CE-approved and have passed our demanding NICO quality assurance program.
KAT2 items can be sold in Austrian retail from as young as 16 years of age. All relevant information is noted on our articles.
Do you have any questions or would you like to order NICO fireworks? The NICO Export Team for Austria will be happy to answer your questions!
Are you a retailer and would like to sell NICO fireworks? No problem! The best way to contact us is by email or give us a call!
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