More than 4,000 retailers throughout Germany rely on the service and customer proximity of NICO Europe. The needs of our customers are always our priority. We are also happy to be there for you at one of our two locations. Too far away? Alternatively, you can of course also reach us by telephone or e-mail. We are looking forward to your contact!
We attach particular importance to the fact that our products are manufactured in the Far East according to German quality and safety standards. To guarantee this, we opened our own office with NICO employees in Liuyang in 2016. This location has been officially audited by the German BAM since 2018. Our on-site presence enables us to develop new items and drive innovations more quickly. Together with the BAM-audited company “ITQS” (International Technical and Quality Services Ltd.), we carry out the direct inspection of the NICO products during and after manufacture.
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