The share of CO2 in fireworks (professional firework displays and New Year’s Eve consumer fireworks) is significantly small, only about one millionth of the CO2 emissions in Germany: the share of CO2 from fireworks calculated by the VPI is 1,150 tons. Calculated on the total CO2 emissions in Germany of 805,000,000 t, this results in a share of 0.00013%. According to the Federal Environment Agency (UBA), these numbers are valid and the emissions of minor importance.
Fireworks are therefore not a relevant CO2 polluter.

CO2 at big events - carbon footprint of the Züri Fäscht 2019
The Züri Fätsch is one of the largest folk festivals in Switzerland and made the data on the CO2 consumption of the event available in 2019. In the diagram below it can be seen that the CO2 content of FIREWORKS is only 0,2%. The biggest sources of CO2 at major events are meals and drinks, as well as the arrival and departure of visitors. Fireworks are therefore not a relevant cause of CO2 .